Sapling Class - 24+ months to 36+ months
Sapling Class
For children ages *24+ months to 36+ months
It is lovely to offer outdoor play time with children of similar age to splash in water, squish and create with mud and flower petals, and trek through the crunching leaves and snowy paths together. Gathering at this age provides the initial experience of practicing friendship skills and recognizing group play. When the children show us they are ready to move up to the expanded day offering, we have a conversation about when the parents would like to make that change in the schedule.
This class has limited enrollment, with one teacher per six or seven Sapling students. Class is offered Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday morning weekly schedule, 9 am to 12 pm Children participate year round so students peer play and learn together in all seasons. We offer an extension to the day to 1:00 for the Sapling children to stay and have their lunch together.
This class is designed for our youngest nature loving explorers. The children *must be able to walk well, have well practiced bathroom independance and proficiency, and practice strong verbal skills.
Our mornings together will begin with taking in the peaceful rhythms of the world around us. As the gentle day continues, busy nature-immersion play will bring active exploration and discovery into your child’s life as they learn to navigate kind and thoughtful social interaction with all around them.
This class will guide your child in developing skills for enjoying all Minnesota seasons and all weather, and will prepare children with skills to readily enter our preschool class.
In this class, we will expand our physical and social strengths and learn, develop, and practice peer and friendship skills, all while in the embrace of calmly guided and authentically natural outdoor play.
Enrollment is year round so students peer play and learn together in all seasons. We strongly encourage beginning your nature immersion participation in the spring or at the latest in the summer, when developing the physical skills and stamina for enthusiastic participation can progress without the layers of clothing needed during the colder months. Sapling class new enrollment is paused during the months of September through mid March. We are currently welcoming applications and have openings for all classes.
All FSMN students must be bathroom independent, as well as dress independently in their gear. FSMN families have committed to screen free parenting for their FSMN students, with a minimum of no screen time twenty four hours before school and on school days. The importance of children using their own imagination is a vital component in their development, so the influences of adult manufactured entertainment, such as shows, movies, grapic novels, books including super heros etc, is not part of our play at school or on their gear. Parents also agree to practice the social skills, manners, and language/phrases we use at school in their home. This makes our time together as a group more peaceful and allows greater opportunities for joyful and productive days for all.
All FSMN families commit to a minimum of participating for all four seasons that at the end of their time in the program run through August. There’s too much to miss otherwise, as everything changes so dramatically in each season. A recommendation for a minimum of two years was found in a UK study that is available to read in a link further in this website. The importance of finding a great teacher that can stay with your child through these vital peer developmental years makes a remarkable difference in the development of their foundation, and is the springboard for all that comes after.