Business Details & Tuition

Year round open enrollment is available for your preschool age child to join us. We strongly encourage beginning your nature immersion participation in the spring or summer, when developing the physical skills and stamina for enthusiastic participation can progress without the layers of clothing needed during the colder months. Sapling class new enrollment is paused during the months of October through mid March. We are currently welcoming applications and have openings for all classes.

Participation Options

Currently enrolling children age 2.5 years to 6+ years Weekly class participation is evolving with the children’s skills and readiness. We want this experience to be positive and to help them develop helpful social, emotional, and physical skills.

Currently enrolling for Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday Classes run from 9 AM to Noon or 9 AM to 4 PM (Monday’s and Friday’s may come available as well when we have families ready for those days)

  • Preschool classes are in session

    Full Days 9 am to 4 pm

    Mornings 9am to 12pm

    Afternoons 1pm to 4pm

    Lunch Together 12 pm to 1 pm enrollment in this hour is available for all Sapling students

    Current Weekly Schedule is Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday

  • Sapling Class is from 9 AM to 12 PM as they strengthen their ability and willingness to follow verbal directions and gain strength in their gross motor skills. Prior to your child joining our class we will work with you to develop strategies you can begin at home to gain the skills to jump into the group with greater ease.

  • Sapling students may enroll in the extended day to 1:00 - and share a meal time with their peers. All students bring their lunch from home.

  • Summer Session preschool students attend year around, all four seasons with their normal schedule. Summer Session School age children attend Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 9AM to 4PM

  • Together we will create a peer play and learning experience that will provide what your child needs to flourish in every way, some ways we haven't even realized.


  • Apply to FSMN with our online application, which is in three parts, including the Parent Questionnaire. Please fill it out in helpful detail and submit the Application Fee — $75.00 for each student. The non-refundable application fee allows us to devote time to those who are interested in enrolling their child in one of our programs.

  • When submitting the online application, please note that your application is not considered completed until all fields on the forms are completed and all three online parts of the online application are submitted, this includes the Parents Questionnaire and the Application Fee. 

  • After the three part online application is submitted we will arrange a time for parents and child to join us for a Family Nature Walk on a weekend day.

  • For the consideration and respect of our students exploring and learning days, we offer applying families to our Family Nature Walk.

  • Once the online application is completed and submitted, we will send a few date options for your Family Nature Walk. Arrangements need to be made for your nature walk, please respond to the email invitation within two days or the application will be withdrawn and families will need to re-apply, including the application fee.

  • The Family Nature walk is our opportunity to meet, Parents, Child, and Teacher, and determine if this is a good match. Parents have an opportunity to see the environmental spaces the children enjoy during our weeks and learn more about the program. We always invite our current families to join us when they are able. Please read through all the policies of the school prior to your walk, so you can ask questions at that time.

  • After the Family Nature Walk, we will contact you by email. Once enrollment is offered to your child, parents have a 24 hour window to accept enrollment and submit the two month tuition deposit via online payment unless other payment arrangements are made. Upon receipt of your acceptance of a spot in FSMN and your tuition deposit is submitted, we will send you the paper contract, though your spot is secured once you provide the tuition deposit. Please return the completed and signed contract upon receipt. Include a copy of your child’s immunization records. Additionally email a screenshot of your completed contract and most recent immunization records. Return the paper contract and paper immunization records through the mail in the envelope I provided. Also submit the supply fee and payment as outlined in the enrollment letter.


  • For tuition, current availability, or other enrollment questions please call (612) 920-6330, or email

  • Tuition for all programs must be paid by the 25th of each preceding month to avoid a late fee. Late fee’s of $I0.00 per day for each day beyond the due date for any amounts due. The late fee applies to all payments with a due date provided, Supply Fee, Annual School Contribution, Lunch Together

Tuition Security Deposit

  • FSMN families pay a Two Month Tuition Security Deposit, which is due when you accept enrollment in FSMN. The tuition deposit is to ensure that the policies of FSMN are respected and honored and adhered to.

  • FSMN is not a drop off and pick up program. We build a partnership with each of our parents to give your child the best experience and develop the growth they are capable of that will allow more development to flourish. By accepting a spot for enrollment parents to commit to a minimum of all four seasons of participation, however our contract continues after the initial year until the written withdrawal notification is provided on February 1, and with the last date of enrollment always ending at the end of the month of August. This program is designed to provide the best development for the children, and academic studies have shown that nature immersion education and skills are best achieved with a minimum of two years of participation. Of course we do not insist upon the two years but strongly encourage it. The tuition deposit is to secure the commitment of fulfilling the contract and policies of FSMN. This is a small program and participation and our continuing contract fulfilment is important. Without submitting the withdrawal notice being on February 1st, and the last day of participation the last day in August, the Tuition Deposit will be forfeited and payment through the end of the contracted time is expected.

  • All policies are found here on the school website. The tuition deposit will be applied to your last contracted month(s) of enrollment after any other amounts, including all contracted tuition and fees as listed on the website are paid in full through the end of August, after your initial four full seasons are completed. Additionally your written withdrawal must be provided to FSMN by February 1st, and accepted according to the contract. The tuition deposit is forfeited if the family does not fulfill the contracted time of the entire current contracted session after the initial Four full Seasons, ending the end of August, and does not provide the withdrawal notice on February 1, ending enrollment August 31. Withdrawal notifications are due February 1st, with the last day of your enrollment commitment at the end of August. Our Contract is from enrollment through the August Leap Ceremony when your child goes to kindergarten or 1st Grade. If you need to make a financial arrangement to meet this requirement, we can extend the tuition deposit payments over the first two months of attendance. There will be an additional $50 monthly for this convenience for the length of the extension. (updated July 2022)

Lunch Together for Students

  • All children who stay for lunch will bring lunch from home in containers they can independently use. During this time in addition to wonderful company, we will practice manners and social etiquette around meals together. Lunch Together is from 12 pm to 1 pm and is $240 per month for those who don’t yet stay for Full Days

  • Students must have their own waterproof lunch bag in addition to two bottles filled with water (only water) and a separate container and water bottle for snack in their adventure pack each day.

  • Our lunches from home have two proteins, vegetable, fruit, and carbohydrate. We learn of the importance of eating for health and energy and this has changed how many of the children eat in a possitive way.

  • The contents of each of the gear bags will be listed on the supply list after enrollment is accepted.

  • Occasionally lunch will be provided by the school, an organic vegetarian meal.

Material and Supply Fee         

  • We recognize the importance of creating special events and celebrations for our students, and it has become even more important for them, now that a majority of elementary schools have ceased to have these wonderfully enriching celebrations with peers. We love to make occasions special and the children love it too. This fee assists in defraying the cost of our beautiful celebratory supplies, our art supplies and materials, our tools, the supplies used for play and learning, and our nutritious snacks.  FSMN provides all of our healthy snacks, typically of fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts, dried fruits, etc. The Supply Fee for all programs is due in mid August, and the Summer Season Material and Supply Fee is due in mid May.

  • For new students/families, the Material and Supply Fee is due when you accept enrollment and is prorated.

  • The Material and Supply Fee is subject to change and is non-refundable

        PARTICIPATION SUPPLY FEE ~ September through May Session ~ $600.00

Due with new student enrollment contract or for current students due August 1st                                            

SUMMER SEASON SUPPLY FEE ~ June through August ~ due 1st of May ~ $365.00                         

Annual School Contribution  

  • School community support is vitally important to the health of our program. A yearly Forest School of Minnesota participation contribution of $300.00 is due for each Forest and Sapling student at the time enrollment in a Forest School of Minnesota program is accepted, and thereafter by the 1st of December, for while your student is enrolled. When you are first enrolling, payment of the annual school contribution also ensures your child’s space is held prior to the receipt of your contract. This contribution is used to support the opportunities and materials the children play with daily. Presently the project aim for this contribution is for the improvement of one of the children’s spaces. We are working toward adding onto the *woodland cottage and the attached woodland kitchen, where magic is gathered, created, stirred and shared. This is non-refundable support for continuing this educational offering in the community.

Timely Arrivals and Payments Deposit

  • Each family provides a Late Fee deposit of $150.00, prior to the first day of attendance. This deposit is used when late arrivals occur, at either the beginning of your child’s day or the end of their day or when late payments are made for tuition or fees.

  • The late fee of $1 per minute begins at the ten minute mark, after your expected arrival AND your child is ready for the day in their gear. If you arrive within the ten minute grace period And your child is gear ready and ready to participate, there is no fee, if you arrive after the ten minute grace period, Example: at 9:40 your late fee is $40.00. If you arrive at 9:11 and your child has to put on their gear, the late fee accumulation amount stops when your child is geared up and ready to participate. Children should be ready to go, not getting ready to go, by 9:10.

  • Please account time wise for using the bathroom, (every child/every morning) upon arrival when we are at the nature center in order for your child to be ready to go. This is especially important when we are dressed for the winter, the children overheat in their gear before we get outside when they wait too long for their classmates to be ready to go. It is important to be considerate of all when participating in group activities, mindfulness of time is an important and respectful skill.

  • The late fee of $1 per minute begins at the ten minute mark, after your expected arrival AND your child is ready for the day in their gear. If you arrive within the ten minute grace period And your child is gear ready, there is no fee, if you arrive after the ten minute grace period, Example: at 9:40 your late fee is $40.00.

  • This deposit is also used for late payments, $10 each day beyond the payment due date. The fee is generated and accumulates after 6:00 PM on the 25th the day tuition is due, or for any fees or deposits that have a due by date. Please be mindful of when you think this needs to be replenished by being aware of your tardy arrivals and tardy payments. FSMN expectation is that you will be considerate of the group and have your child ready to participate on time, and your timely payments are a reflection of how important they would be to you, showing appreciation and respect for your child’s teacher.

  • Each family is responsible for keeping a log of their tardiness, in arrivals and payments, and are expected to replenish their late deposit fee when needed.